Freedom of Information – Part II Statements


Harness Racing Victoria (HRV) releases a large amount of information online, via print publishing, as well as person-to-person service. These Freedom of Information Statements demonstrate how HRV is making information readily available to the public.

The statements listed below outline the functions of HRV and provide a non-exhaustive list of the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions and a structured means to easily access information about key services, functions and reports.

If you cannot find the information you are searching for after reviewing these statements and conducting a search of our website at, please contact HRV at or (03) 8378 0200. In some instances, we may be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request for access.



Harness Racing Victoria is a statutory body established pursuant to section 39(1) of the Racing Act 1958 and its functions include administering, developing and promoting the sport of harness racing in Victoria.

HRV’s mission is to develop a vibrant Harness Racing industry that promotes participation, integrity and racing excellence, grows wagering and other revenue streams and maximises returns to its stakeholders.

The following pages provide information about HRV’s functions and powers, as well as its members, company structure and Constitution.

About HRV – About HRV - Harness Racing Victoria (

Our People (including Board members) - Our People - Harness Racing Victoria (

Strategic Plan –

Australian Harness Racing Rules - Australian Harness Racing Rules - Index

Racing Act 1958 (Vic) – Racing Act 1958 (



3.1. Document Types

The types of documents that HRV holds include:

  • policies, procedures, rules;
  • emails;
  • reports;
  • meeting minutes and records;
  • financial records;
  • registers, applications and forms; and
  • audio-visual material.

3.2. Document Categories

The categories of documents held by HRV include:

  • Racing Operations;
  • Integrity;
  • Licensing and Registration;
  • Equine Welfare;
  • Veterinary Services;
  • Wagering;
  • Finance;
  • People and Culture;
  • Legal, Risk & Compliance;
  • Media and Communications; and
  • Marketing.



Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act), members of the public have a right to access certain documents held by HRV.

Before you make a request we encourage you to check if the information or document you are seeking is already publicly available, such as in our publications set out in section 5 or via (for race dates, race results, horse form, Stewards reports, etc.).

4.1. Access outside of Freedom of Information

If you cannot find the information or document you are seeking on a publicly available resource (for example Harness Racing Victoria ( or, we encourage you to contact us and ask if the information or document you are seeking is available or can be provided to you.

In certain circumstances we may be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request for access, such as, where the information relates to only your personal affairs information (or where you exclude other individuals personal information), e.g. where you are seeking a copy of your licence/registration application.

4.2. Making a request for access

A freedom of information request must be made in writing to the agency that holds the documents being requested and clearly describe the information or document you are seeking access to. If we cannot clearly identify the information or documents you are requesting, we will contact you to clarify your request.

Requests must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee of $32.70, unless you can provide evidence that payment of the fee would cause hardship (e.g. a copy of your current low income concession card issued by Centrelink).

HRV are entitled to charge prescribed fees associated with searching for and providing access to the documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014 ( If the estimated charges exceed $50.00 we will ask you if you want to continue with the request and ask you to pay a deposit.

In your application, you are required to be as specific as possible to enable a search to be conducted. Please ensure you have stated the type of documents you are seeking (such as ‘application’, ‘report’ or ‘letters’) and avoid vague phrases like ‘all documents’, ‘any information’ and ‘any records’.

You may submit your application the following ways:

4.2.1. Email

HRV prefers to receive freedom of information requests via email. Accordingly, please send your request to:

4.2.2. By Post

If you are unable to send your request via email, please address and send your request to:

Harness Racing Victoria Freedom of Information Officer
Harness Racing Victoria
PO Box 184
Moonee Ponds 3039
VIC Australia

Further information on making an FOI request is available on the website of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC):

FOI resources for individuals – Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

4.3. What happens to your request?

Once HRV has received your freedom of information request and application fee (or fee waiver), a decision will be made and communicated to you in writing no later than 30 days after receiving your request, except in circumstances where the FOI Act permits an extension of time.

If the information contained in the document(s) you are seeking fall within certain exemptions, HRV is required under the FOI Act to consult and seek the views of third parties. HRV is not required to consult where it is not practicable, would cause distress, is likely to endanger the life or physical safety of a person or is otherwise unreasonable in the circumstances. Where HRV is required to consult, it may extend the time for processing your request by up to 15 days.

4.4. Reviews and Complaints

If you disagree with our decision, you may apply for review by OVIC.

You must apply in writing within 28 days after you receive your decision letter, identifying the agency concerned and the decision to be reviewed. You should also provide an explanation of why you disagree with the decision.

More information on the review and complaints process is available on OVIC’s website:



HRV produces a range of publications, many of which can be accessed at – for example, guidelines, rules, application forms, Stewards’ reports and policies.

HRV’s Annual reports are published at Annual reports - Harness Racing Victoria (

HRV has links to decisions made by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), Victorian Racing Appeals Tribunal, Racing Appeals & Disciplinary (RAD) Board, and Victorian Racing Tribunal (VRT) here: Tribunals - Integrity Matters (

If you require assistance to find a publication please contact HRV at or (03) 8378 0200.



HRV has a range of policies and procedures that govern our daily operations as well as our key functions. A non-exhaustive list of HRV Policies can be found here: Policies - Integrity Matters (



HRV publishes its Annual reports here: Annual reports - Harness Racing Victoria (

HRV Media Releases are published here: HQ - Harness Racing Victoria (

HRV regularly publishes industry news on its website at News - Harness Racing Victoria ( and Articles - Integrity Matters (