If you ride a standardbred and have thought about trying your hand at endurance now is the perfect time to give it a go.

HERO is proud to announce its newest standardbred life-after-racing competition, developed in partnership with the Victorian Endurance Riders’ Association.

The three-race series comprises official VERA programmed rides at Ararat on August 10 and Moyston on September 14 as well as a training ride at Landsborough on September 28.

Every standardbred rider with a successful completion will earn points, which increase according to the distance covered.

There will be prizes for individual standardbred achievers at each event as well at the highest overall point scorer across the series.

Every rider who contests all three HERO Series events will also go into a lucky prize draw and be eligible for the VERA Standardbred Encouragement Award.

“This competition represents an exciting progression in our partnership with VERA,” HERO Program Manager Tanya McDermott said.

“We’re enormously grateful for the opportunity to put the event together and hope it will encourage standardbred riders who have been sitting on the periphery to get out there and give endurance a try.

“There are entry level rides commencing at five kilometres, so it is very achievable for the average recreational rider and everyone involved with VERA is incredibly warm, welcoming and supportive of newcomers."

HRV Veterinarian Dr Lesley Hawson regularly vets at VERA events and is excited to see HERO’s involvement.

“The new series is a great initiative,” she said. “Standardbreds are well suited to the discipline. The breed has an excellent work ethic, is durable and recovers quickly after exercise.

“They often have a low resting heart rate which is an important indicator for successful endurance competition. I love seeing our standardbreds out on course."

To learn more about the Victorian Endurance Riders’ Association, visit www.vicera.com.au

If you are interested in participating in the upcoming HERO Series, email hero@hrv.org.au for further information.